Oruga Center, where you can
listen to your heart
I'm Varinia Russo, founder of the Oruga Center and teacher in energy therapies. My vocation is to be the beacon that helps you remember that we are a divine spark. My passion is to establish relationships and tools that allow us to grow and enrich ourselves by seeing things from a new point of view through travel.
Oruga Center's mission is to offer trips where you will learn way to understand more about yourself and discover other cultures, thus helping break barriers and unite us more as beings of light that we are.
The goal of Oruga Center is to offer different corners of the world where our clients can experience their next meeting of their Divine Self, accompanied by the magic of traveling around the world.
Healing method of Japanese origin that is based on the belief of a universal energy transmitted by the therapist through their hands to the patient's body to alleviate or cure ailments and diseases.
Guided Meditation
Technique that allows us through words and images to put aside negative emotions such as pain, stress and the worries of everyday life, helping us to connect with our inner self.
Home Energy Cleaning
Bad energies are punctual sensations that make the home environment heavy or uncomfortable to the point that it can become unpleasant to live there. With this technique we clean bad energies through the power of the angels.
Healing with the angels
It is a spiritual healing tool that works with archangels and angels to harmonize aspects of people's lives. Focused on positive vision and optimism, incorporating love in all facets of existence.
Traveling with a purpose
These types of trips have the purpose of exploring new places in the same way we explore ourselves.
Indra Cakti Holistic School (online classes, only Spanish) where only KNOWLEDGE will make you totally Free and only through it you will be able to choose wisely.
Holistic Retreat
Sun Woman
A woman who becomes aware of her power, and the creative energies that this entails. Learn to perceive a level of life that goes beyond what is visible. Resume your participation in the mystic circle of life, birth, and death, and feel the divinity within the Earth and yourself. From this magical and simple knowledge, woman relate not only with the visible and earthly but with the invisible and spiritual aspects of their existence...
Holistic School
Indra Cakti
Thousands of students around the planet creating light realities for each of us.
Only KNOWLEDGE will make you totally Free, and only through it will you be able to choose wisely. Knowledge is a path of liberation, because it frees you from the chains of time, from repetitive and vicious habits, from limiting beliefs, from conditioned senses; but even more KNOWLEDGE FREES YOU FROM YOURSELF - Indra Cakti (Andrea Botti)